CYNNIX specializes in I.T. for small to medium businesses. From a one-time service call to large projects. We listen to your needs and provide a solution that not only fits your needs now but ensures that it will help your business keep running smoothly as it grows. We make sure that the solutions we provide are not only a good investment today, but that it will work for years to come.
We believe that no two businesses are the same and that one size does not fit all. Therefore we tailor our solutions to make sure that they fit your companies needs. We have strategically created partnerships with multiple hardware, software and service providers to ensure that we can get you the best fitting solution.
We realize that technology should work for you, and help you to optimize your business. But at times it seems that when you need it the most it fails on you. Therefore we specialize in identifying potential weak points and providing high availability and redundant solutions on your mission critical systems.